
  1. S George, R Gaza, D Matthia, D Laramore, J Lehti, T Campbell-Ricketts, M, Kroupa, N Stoffle, K Marsalek, B Przybyla, M Abdelmelek, J Aeckerlein, A Bahadori, J Barzilla, M Dieckmann, M Ecord, R Egeland, T Eronen, D Fry, B Jones, C Hellweg, J Houri, R Hirsh, M Hirvonen, S Hovland, H Hussein, AS Johnson, M Kasemann, K Lee, M Leitgab, C McLeod, O Milstein, L Pinsky, P Quinn, E Riihonen, M Rohde, S Rozhdestvenskyy, J Saari, A Schram, U Straube, D Turecek, P Virtanen, G Waterman, S Wheeler, K Whitman, M Wirtz, M Vandewalle, C Zeitlin, E Semones, T Berger
    Space Radiation Measurements During the Artemis I Lunar Mission, Nature, Vol 634 (2024)

  2. R Gaza, A Johnson, B Hayes, T Campbell-Ricketts, J Rakkola, M Abdelmelek, C Zeitlin, S George, N Stoffle, A Castro, C Amberboy, E Semones
    The Importance of Time-Resolved Personal Dosimetry in Space: The ISS Crew Active Dosimeter, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 39 (2023)

  3. J Barzilla, R Gaza, N Stoffle
    Artemis-I - Development and Testing of Radiation Mitigation Strategies for Crewed Missions, 52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) Proceedings, ICES-2023-474 (2023)

  4. C Zeitlin, , A Castro, K Beard, B Hayes, M Abdelmelek, D Laramore, A Johnson, N Stoffle, R Wimmer-Schweingruber, S Loffler , R Rios
    Results from the Radiation Assessment Detector on the International Space Station: Part 3, Combined Results from the CPD and FND, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 39 (2023)

  5. N Stoffle, T Campbell-Ricketts, A Castro, R Gaza, C Zeitlin, M Abdelmelek, A Schram, S George
    HERA: A Timepix-based Radiation Detection System for Exploration-Class Space Missions, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 39 (2023)

  6. C Zeitlin, A Castro, K Beard, M Abdelmelek, B Hayes, A Johnson, N Stoffle, R Rios, M Leitgab, D Hassler
    Results from the Radiation Assessment Detector on the International Space Station: Part 2, The Fast Neutron Detector, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 39 (2023)

  7. C Zeitlin, A Castro, K Beard, M Abdelmelek, B Hayes, A Johnson, N Stoffle, R Rios
    Results from the Radiation Assessment Detector on the International Space Station: Part 1, The Charged Particle Detector, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 39 (2023)

  8. T Berger, D Matthia, S Burmeister, C Zeitlin, R Rios, N Stoffle, N Schwadron, H Spence, D Hassler, B Ehresmann, R Wimmer-Schweingruber
    Long term variations of galactic cosmic radiation on board the International Space Station, on the Moon and on the surface of Mars, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Vol 10, Article 34, (2020)

  9. R Pal Chowdhury, N Stoffle, R Rios, L Stegeman, A Bahadori
    A novel, population-based approach to astronaut radiation risk assessment, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol 172, 108736, (2020)

  10. C Zeitlin, L Narici, R Rios, A Rizzo, N Stoffle, D Hassler, B Ehresmann, R Wimmer-Schweingruber, J Guo, N Schwadron, H Spence,
    Comparisons of High-Linear Energy Transfer Spectra on the ISS and in Deep Space, Space Weather, Vol 17, Issue 2, (2019)

  11. S George, M Kroupa, S Wheeler, S Kodaira, H Kitamura, L Tlustos, T Campbell-Ricketts, N Stoffle, E Semones, L Pinsky,
    Very high energy calibration of silicon Timepix detectors , JINST 13 P11014 (2018)

  12. M Kroupa, N Stoffle, C Zeitlin, A Bahadori, T Campbell-Ricketts, S George,
    Light Ion Isotope Identification in Space using a Pixel Detector Based Single Layer Telescope, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 113, (2018)

  13. T Berger, D Matthia, S Burmeister, R Rios, K Lee, E Semones, D Hassler, N Stoffle, C Zeitlin,
    The Solar Particle Event on 10 September 2017 as observed on-board the International Space Station (ISS), Space Weather, Vol 16, Issue 9, (2018)

  14. A Bahadori, A Firan, C Zeitlin, M Kroupa, R Rios, N Stoffle, D Fry, R Gaza, R Chowdhury, T Campbell-Ricketts, S George, L Pinsky,
    Slowing-down and Stopped Charged Particles Cause Angular Dependence for Absorbed Dose Measurements, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol 155, (2018)

  15. N Stoffle, L Pinsky,
    Identification of Stopping Ions in a Silicon Timepix Detector, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Vol 880, (2018)

  16. D Matthia, N Stoffle, T Slaba, R Wimmer-Schweingruber, J Guo, D Hassler, W de Wet, B Ehresmann, A Firan, K Lee, C Zeitlin, RR Rios, T Berger, L Heilbronn, M Smith, H Ratliff, L W Townsend, G Reitz, J Flores-Mclaughlin,
    The Radiation Environment on the Surface of Mars Summary of Model Calculations and Comparison to RAD Data, Mars Space Radiation Modeling Workshop Proceedings, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 14 (2017)

  17. T Slaba, N Stoffle,
    Evaluation of HZETRN on the Martian Surface: Sensitivity tests and model results, Mars Space Radiation Modeling Workshop Proceedings, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 14, (2017)

  18. T Lu, Y Zhang, M Wong, A Feiveson, R Gaza, N Stoffle, H Wang, B Wilson, L Rohde, L Stodieck, F Karouia, H Wu,
    Detection of DNA damage by space radiation in human fibroblasts flown on the International Space Station, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 12, (2017)

  19. R Gaza, M Kroupa, R Rios, N Stoffle, E Benton, E Semones,
    Comparison of Novel Active Semiconductor Pixel Detector with Passive Radiation Detectors During the NASA Orion Exploration Flight Test 1 (EFT-1), Radiation Measurements, Vol 106, (2017)

  20. N Stoffle, J Keller, E Semones,
    Initial Report on International Space Station Radiation Environment Monitor Performance, NASA/TM-2016-219278, (2016)

  21. N Stoffle, R Gaza, H Nounu, K Lee, A Bahadori,
    Comparison of Passive and Active EFT-1 Radiation Detector Measurements with Trapped Proton and Vehicle Shielding Model Calculations, NASA/TP-2016-218599, (2016)

  22. A Bahadori, E Semones, R Gaza, M Kroupa, R Rios, N Stoffle, T Campbell-Ricketts, L Pinsky, D Turecek,
    Battery-operated Independent Radiation Detector Data Report from Exploration Flight Test 1, NASA/TP-2015-218575, (2015)

  23. M Kroupa, A Bahadori, T Campbell-Ricketts, A Empl, S Hoang, J Idarraga-Munoz, R Rios, E Semones, N Stoffle, L Tlustos, D Turecek, L Pinsky,
    A semiconductor radiation imaging pixel detector for space radiation dosimetry, Life Sciences in Space Research, Vol 6 (2016)

  24. N Stoffle, L Pinsky, M Kroupa, S Hoang, J Idarraga, C Amberboy, R Rios, J Hauss, J Keller, A Bahadori, E Semones, D Turecek, J Jakubek, Z Vykydal, S Pospisil,
    Timepix-based Radiation Environment Monitor Measurements Aboard the International Space Station, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol 782, (2015)

  25. M Kroupa, S Hoang, N Stoffle, P Soukup, J Jakubek, LS Pinsky,
    Energy resolution and power consumption of Timepix detector for different detector settings and saturation of front-end electronics, JINST 9 C05008 (2014)

  26. L Pinsky, SM Hoang, J Idarraga-Munoz, M Kroupa, N Stoffle, A Bahadori, E Semones, J Jakubek, Z Vykydal, D Turecek, S Pospisil, H Kitamura, S Kodaira,
    Summary of the first year of medipix-based space radiation monitors on the ISS, IEEE Aerospace Conference (2014)

  27. S Hoang, R Vilalta, L Pinsky, M Kroupa, N Stoffle, J Idarraga,
    Data Analysis of Tracks of Heavy Ion Particles in Timepix Detector, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 523 012026 (2014)

  28. N Stoffle, L Pinsky, S Hoang, J Idarraga, M Kroupa, J Jakubek, D Turecek, S Pospisil,
    Initial results on charge and velocity discrimination for heavy ions using silicon-Timepix detectors, JINST 7 C12009 (2012)

  29. LS Pinsky, A Empl, S Hoang, N Stoffle, C Amberboy, J Hauss, J Jakubek, Z Vykydal, D Turecek, S Pospisil, K Lee, E Semones, N Zapp, H Kitamura, O Ploc, Y Uchihori, Y Nakahiro, D Cooke,
    Preparing for the first Medipix detectors in space, IEEE Aerospace Conference (2012)

  30. D Turecek, L Pinsky, J Jakubek, Z Vykydal, N Stoffle, and S Pospisil,
    Small Dosimeter based on Timepix device for International Space Station, JINST 6 C12037 (2011)

  31. L Pinsky, N Stoffle, A Empl, J Jakubek, S Pospisil, C Leroy, H Kitamura, N Yasuda, Y Uchihori,
    Application of the Medipix2 technology to space radiation dosimetry and hadron therapy beam monitoring, Radiation Measurements, Vol 46, Issue 12, (2011)

  32. N Stoffle, L Pinsky, A Empl, SM Hoang, S Pospisil, J Jakubek, D Turecek, Z Vykydal,
    Simulation of Van Allen Belt and Galactic Cosmic Ray Ionized Particle Tracks in a Si Timepix Detector, Proceedings of the 32nd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Vol. 11, SH3-SH4: Solar and Heliospheric Phenomena, p.436 (2011)

  33. LS Pinsky, A Empl, A Gutierrez, J Jakubek, H Kitamura, J Miller, C Leroy, N Stoffle, S Pospisil, Y Uchihori, N Yasuda, C Zeitlin,
    Penetrating heavy ion charge and velocity discrimination with a TimePix-based Si detector (for space radiation applications), Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 633, Supplement 1, (2011)

  34. A Adamczyk, M Clowdsley, G Qualls, S Blattnig, K Lee, D Fry, N Stoffle, L Simonsen, T Slaba, S Walker, E Zapp,
    Full mission astronaut radiation exposure assessments for long duration lunar surface missions, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Vol 1, No 15, (2011)

  35. L Pinsky, N Stoffle, J Jakubek, S Pospisil, C Leroy, A Gutierrez, H Kitamura, N Yasuda, Y Uchihori,
    Application of the Medipix2 technology to space radiation dosimetry and hadron therapy beam monitoring, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol 628, Issue 1, (2011)

  36. LS Pinsky, A Empl, N Stoffle, C Leroy, A Gutierrez, J Jakubek, S Pospisil, H Kitamura, Y Uchihori, Y Nakahiro, J Miller, C Zeitlin,
    Heavy ion charge and velocity resolution with a Medipix-based active Space Radiation Dosimeter, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Vol 1, No 6, (2010)

  37. Tony C. Slaba, Steve R. Blattnig, Francis F. Badavi, Nicholas N. Stoffle, Robert D. Rutledge, Kerry T. Lee, E. Neal Zapp, Tsvetan P. Dachev, Borislav T. Tomov,
    Statistical validation of HZETRN as a function of vertical cutoff rigidity using ISS measurements, Advances in Space Research, Vol 47, Issue 4, (2011)

  38. R Gaza, TP Cooper, A Hanzo, H Hussein, KS Jarvis, R Kimble, KT Lee, C Patel, BD Reddell, N Stoffle, EN Zapp, TD Shelfer,
    Analytic Shielding Optimization to Reduce Crew Exposure to Ionizing Radiation Inside Space Vehicles, Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (2009)

  39. N Stoffle, P Cohen,
    Sarcoptes scabiei Infestation, N Engl J Med, 350:e20, May 27 (2004)

Book Chapters

R Blue, S R Elgart, N Stoffle (2023)
Radiation Considerations for Lunar Crews in Handbook of Lunar Base Design and Development, P Eckart and A Aldrin (Editors), Springer, ISBN 9783030053239

S R Elgart, N Stoffle, J Chancellor, R Allnutt, M Bagshaw, R S Blue (2021)
Aerospace Radiation in Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine, 5th edition, J Davis, J Stepanek, J Fogarty, R S Blue (Editors), Philidelphia: Wolter Kluwer, ISBN 9781975143855

M Kroupa, N Stoffle, S Hoang, L Pinsky (2015)
Modern Semiconductor Pixel Detectors Used as Radiation Monitors in Solid State Radiation Detectors: Technology and Applications, Salah Awadalla (Editor), CRC Press, ISBN 9781482262209


Stoffle, Nicholas N., Viability of Determining Ion Charge and Velocity Utilizing a Single Silicon Timepix Detector (Doctoral dissertation), University of Houston, 2014